Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Hello All,
Thank you for checking out the SQUAD CLOTH blog post this week!

This week has been another slow week, but I did find a model for some shirts so I can take photos soon for the R.I.P. tie dye button downs.  I have sketched a good amount this week and I am planning to take a fashion sketching class this upcoming Spring semester, so I can make the next step in design.
Also I am hoping to learn how to make patterns for sewing so that I can start making some of my own designs.  

As a young adult I understand the desire to have a lot of different clothes so that you always have something fresh to wear, but the reality is no one my age has the money or closet space to purchase an extensive amount of clothing.  That is why my style tip for this week is more of a buying tip if anything.  QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY is what clothing is all about.  It is much more logical to buy less clothing with better quality because if you examine the cost per wear (cost of garment / # of wears = cost per wear) of each garment you will get much more life out of a piece and save money in the long run.  While your cost per outfit (cost of each garment in an outfit added together) will be more expensive initially, you will eventually see the benefits of purchasing less for more.  Yes you will have less clothes, but the clothes that you do have will fit you better and look nicer for longer.  For example, say you are in the market for a new jacket and you would like it to be a bomber jacket.  If you would decide to take the cheaper route you could buy the Navy Mirco Twill Producer Suit from www.express.com for about $350.  This will be a good looking suit for a cheap price, allowing you possibly purchase another suit for the same price.

Cost per wear for 50 wears would be $7 dollars for this Express suit.  Now, if you take the road less traveled and buy a better quality suit for a higher price you should get more wears out of the garment.  Let's say you purchase the Duckie Brown Gentleman Suit for $695 retail (currently 33% off for $465.65) at http://shop.nordstrom.com.

Cost per wear for the retail price of $695 over the duration of 150 wears (we can assume that the high quality suit will last longer, which is the reason for the extra 100 wears) is $4.6 dollars.  Nordstrom's will also offer free tailoring for your suit, which is a service that Express will not offer.  The importance of tailoring is that your suit will fit you better, which will make you look better than a suit that is "close enough" to your body's dimensions.  I would recommend you do the math on all clothing purchases you make by asking "Will it make more sense to buy a less quality garments or buy more quantity garments?".  Lastly, do your homework and find out what good quality is before you shop, just because something is expensive does not necessarily make it any high quality.

Thank you for reading and check back in next week for the latest SQUAD CLOTH blog post.  HOME OF THE FULLGROWN.

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